MWC 2017 – Show preview

At Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017, Broadpeak®, a leading provider of CDN, video streaming and video analytics solutions will demonstrate how cable, IPTV, OTT, hybrid TV, and mobile operators can dramatically improve the user experience delivered over managed networks and OTT by leveraging its unique technologies.
Stand 5.B41


Low Latency: No Screen Left Behind!

At MWC 2017, Broadpeak® will demonstrate, in partnership with Squadeo, the leading provider of player solutions, how its nanoCDN™ technology can greatly reduce latency for live video streaming on every screen. Using a combination of nanoCDN and Squadeo’s player brings latency in the live multiscreen ABR streaming environment to the equivalent of what is experienced with IPTV.nanoCDN makes live OTT video delivery to any device truly scalable by turning millions of broadband gateways, cable modems, Wi-Fi routers, or STBs into active components of an operator’s content delivery infrastructure. Leveraging home networks, operators can cost-effectively manage the consumption peaks of live multiscreen services for millions of simultaneous viewers using only a few megabits per second from their network. The usage of nanoCDN also considerably reduces the amount of video that needs to be buffered at the player level to ensure a smooth playout without glitches and rebuffering. Squadeo’s unique low live latency multi-platform player for STB, desktop, Web, and mobile, has been further tailored and optimized for nanoCDN, to adapt the amount of buffered video and ABR policy to the actual user context. This innovative combined solution features a buffering-free, lowest-latency video experience without jeopardizing the video quality on any network.


umbrellaCDNWith CDN Diversity

 umbrellaCDN™ from Broadpeak® allows operators to always choose the best content delivery network for streaming video content. A key highlight at MWC 2017 will be an advanced capability of umbrellaCDN called CDN Diversity, which enables operators to dynamically take into account the instantaneous quality of several CDNs as a service to combine their contributions and deliver the content with a quality level exceeding what would be achievable with the best CDN.


Video Delivery Analytics

Broadpeak® will bring its new standalone video analytics solution to MWC 2017. Using this solution, content providers can gain insight into the QoE actually perceived by end-users, leveraging critical information such as start-up time, stall durations, rebufferings, and user interactions. 


Personalized Ad Insertion OTT Monetization Platform

K+ Supercharges OTT Monetization with Broadpeak’s Personalized Ad Insertion

Comercio TV Chooses Broadpeak to Optimization & Monetization

Comercio TV Chooses Broadpeak to Optimize OTT Video Delivery and Monetization