Your Challenges
Video streaming is a fast-changing industry that triggers numerous challenges to stay competitive!
As more than 50 % of data generated globally is due to video streaming activity*, delivering the best experience to the end-users, while keeping costs low and managing network capacity, has become a major concern for video service providers in all parts of the world. With the environmental being now crucial, you need to choose the right partner to future-proof your video systems.
*Source: Sandvine – The global internet phenomena report January 2022
Live Video
Deliver the highest QoE for live video streaming at scale, anywhere and on any device.
Content anywhere,
VOD and live streaming services to audiences everywhere, on any device.
Leverage every monetization opportunity through software and services.
Cut Down Streaming
Delivering video is hard. Delivering video cost-effectively is even harder.
Immersive Experience
& Content
Be ready to deliver the next generation of immersive content.
5G Streaming
Leverage the increasing video streaming traffic on cellular networks.