Petabytes of TV recordings at your fingertips
Allow your subscribers to watch their favorite TV show anytime, anywhere on any device! With Broadpeak Cloud DVR solution you can manage catch-up TV, time-shifting, start-over and live TV recording in the network from a single system. Your subscribers can record an unlimited number of content at the same time, switch from one screen to another whenever they want.
Broadpeak’s Cloud DVR solution is the most future-proof network recording (NDVR) solution on the market, leveraging a naturally scalable architecture. Our technologies allow the implementation of private or shared copy models, while optimizing bandwidth and storage consumption and providing a compelling experience to your subscribers.
Optimize record bandwidth & storage
Easy integration
Compliance with major CMS providers
Legal compliance
Support several flavors of shared & private copy
Dedicated analytics
To know end-users habits
Scalable solution
Grow without changing architecture
Advanced personal recording features
Incl. series recording, bookmarking, follow me TV
Broadpeak Cloud DVR offers a high-performance recorder with built-in cache. The recording manager oversees the copy policy and the scheduling of the recording. With the rolling buffer and automatic archiving functions, you can mutualize short-term catch-up TV and long-term cloud DVR.
Broadpeak’s solution offers scalable storage from a few TBs to hundreds of PBs, with scale-out NAS and software-defined storage support. In addition, you can get a complete cloud DVR statistics suite. Broadpeak Cloud DVR is compliant with all multiscreen devices including the latest Android TV and Apple devices and is integrated with major CMS solutions.

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