Inside the Internship Journey at Broadpeak: Happy Trainees Speak

Internship at Broadpeak - Getting started at video streaming industry

Joining an organization as an intern or trainee isn’t just about gaining practical work experience and honing skills. At Broadpeak, we believe it’s also about infusing the company with fresh ideas and invigorating energy. We’re all about embracing those young talents who are eager to make a difference and fuel our innovative spirit.

Now, you might typically think of interns and trainees as being young, but we’re breaking that stereotype. We’ve had interns come from diverse backgrounds, including those looking to switch career paths. And let us tell you, their energy is high as any other interns.

To intern at Broadpeak, an interest in the tech industry and a passion for continuous learning are essential. Good communication skills, being a team player, and a problem-solver are the qualities that Broadpeak is looking for in its interns as we highly regard the ability and willingness to contribute to projects. These interviews with past interns show what we already know: they flourish when given the freedom to work and the unwavering support of a strong team. Watch the interviews here:


As you see, despite the autonomy, at Broadpeak our trainees are anything but alone. Here they can expect to be part of a supportive and innovative environment that encourages professional growth and nurtures happy trainees.

Proof of that is that we have been honored with the coveted HappyIndex Trainees® label by Choose My Company in our very first participation, further validating our commitment to excellence. This esteemed label is the result of an anonymous and independent survey, gathering valuable feedback from our interns, trainees, and VIEs (French acronym for International Volunteer in Business) on various aspects of our company. 

These aspects include career progression, work organization, mentorship, corporate social responsibility, mission and purpose, and recognition. This recognition solidifies our dedication to creating a positive and rewarding experience for all.

How was the process?

As for the survey itself, we adhered to the tried-and-true TraineesIndex® model, allowing us to maintain its integrity. However, recognizing the importance of gathering relevant insights, we included additional demographic questions, such as those addressing gender equality. Once the internship or training period had culminated, Choose My Company promptly sent out survey invitations to the involved individuals, with timely reminders for those who needed them.


Choose My Company Happy Index Trainees® label intern Intership
Screenshot of main score France at the end of 2023 survey

Why did we decide to do it?

 We value the feedback of our trainees and interns. We already collect this valuable input through Fresh Eyes reports and interviews. However, we wanted to further validate our findings and gain certified reviews. That’s why we conducted an independent and anonymous survey, allowing us to delve deeper into understanding their experiences.

The survey covers a range of topics with both closed and open-ended. Examples of questions were: “what do you like the MOST about this company/organization?” or “What do you like the LEAST about your mission?”. This approach provides a comprehensive perspective on our company, allowing participants to share what they appreciate the most about our organization and, equally importantly, what aspects they find less satisfying in their missions.

By conducting this detailed survey, we can continuously improve ourselves in various areas, including the welcoming process, integration procedures, support mechanisms, and internal policies and also solidify what has been working well. Our aim is to ensure that every trainee and intern at Broadpeak has an enriching and fulfilling experience throughout their time with us.

Overall, the independent and anonymous survey enables us to gather comprehensive feedback, make continual improvements, and reinforce our commitment to providing a positive and supportive environment for our trainees and interns.

What it means to us?

At Broadpeak, we find great value in the perspective provided by external certifications such as those conducted by Choose My Company, which assess quality and well-being in the workplace. The insights gained through their survey methodology offer us a fresh and objective viewpoint. Being recognized and rewarded with such a certification is a true reflection of our daily commitment to transparency, empathy, and collaboration – qualities that are deeply ingrained in our company values.

Moreover, this recognition holds a symbolic significance for us. It serves as a testament to the dedication of our team members who invest their time and effort in training and supporting our talented interns and trainees. We take immense pride in our team’s commitment and express our gratitude to all the interns who participated in the survey. Their contributions have helped create a positive work environment that fosters growth and success for all within the company.

Want to do your next internship with us?


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