Broadpeak at NAB Show 2022

It was the beginning of April 2019 when we went to the NAB Show for the last time. In that year, 18 of us traveled to Las Vegas and Broadpeak got the NAB Show Product of the Year Awards 2019 for our nanoCDN™ multicast ABR solution with ultra-low latency and device synchronization.

Three years and a pandemic later we were back at NAB Show last week with a bigger team, we were 28, an increase of 55,5%, just to give you a hint of Broadpeak’s growth in the past 3 years.

Broadpeak team at NAB - Video Streaming

Broadpeak team at NAB Show 2022

This edition was special!  The team was very excited to meet each other and see everyone, customers and partners, in person again. As expected, the attendance numbers were down as a residual effect of COVID-19, but the team felt optimistic as we begin to move towards a business environment that resembles normalcy. In addition to that, we had even more innovations and future-proof solutions to show. Here’s what we highlighted during the event and what drove the team on the trading floor:

  1. SaaS with support for content replacement and ad insertion
  2. TV for a quick to market IP video streaming service
  3. Improving streaming quality with high-performance data plane solutions :
  4. Enabling the cooperation between content owners and pay-TV operators with:

During NAB Show, the Entertainment Capital of the World became the World’s capital of media, entertainment, and technology. That’s why we were so proud and pleased to see our recently launched SaaS solution,, being recognized with NAB Show Product of the Year award.

Nab Show Product of the year 2022 broadpeak

It was the first time was presented at a trade show and, according to Olivier Karra, Cloud Solutions Marketing Director, it was really well received.

“I believe some prospects were surprised as they did not expect Broadpeak to emerge in the SaaS and API platform arena. “You are definitely going into the right direction” is the sort of comment I’ve heard during the show.” Said Olivier.

Recognition didn’t stop there. We were awarded a second time with Broadcasting+Cable Best of Show 2022 Award for peakVU.TV.

peakVU.TV is now an award-winning solution that enables most US cable/telco distributors the ability to remain relevant and current in transitioning from legacy delivery platforms to ABR streaming. What is unique about peakVU.TV is its approach to scale down to the tier two/three segment of distributors through a shared resource, hosted, and in many cases managed platform providing a best in class solution with an economic model that makes sense. ” said Doug Hull, Sales Director at Broadpeak.

Another highlight of our participation was the panels and presentations we were involved in, a great opportunity to share our expertise and discuss innovations. At Broadpeak we don’t skimp on it.

Xavier Leclercq, VP of business development, participated in the panel “Meeting The Demand For A Content Everywhere Future” alongside a team of experts to examine the current market and trends, and discuss the strength & weaknesses of legacy and emerging technologies including 5G.

Then was time for Olivier Karra to do his solo presentation “How To Manage Blackout When Distributing Premium Live Sports Channels Over IP”. In his panel, Karra explained how to add premium live sports channels in an IP line-up with blackout requirements and shared the and peakVU.TV cases. (Watch it here)

Jeremy Desmauts, Solutions Architect – in the company of Eunice Park & Eric Bolten from Zixi and Jonathan Solomon from Amazon Web Services, AWS – participated in the panel “Deployment in the Cloud: The Importance of the Partner Ecosystem for Success, Scale & the Roadmap of the Future”, where the benefits of working with a cloud partner were discussed.

About the trends observed at NAB Show, Doug Hall said “Clearly OTT and streaming were at the top of the list. I think the fact that Broadpeak was recognized for its two new products in the area of “hosted/managed/cloud” demonstrates that we are not only addressing market needs and desires but, in many respects, Broadpeak is leading the industry with its innovations. “

Juliette Bichot, Communication and Event Manager, the main responsible for organizing our participation in the event, concluded in this way “It was a pleasure to finally land in Las Vegas! This 2022 NAB edition was a special and lively recovery. Our on-site team doubled and we had a lot of new technologies to demo! The result was not long in coming: we got two new awards, had a lot of meetings, and one wonderful team ready to come back next year!

That is to say, we are already looking forward to the NAB Show 2023, which will mark the centennial celebration of the first NAB Show. See you there!



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